Celebration of Light
Every summer the Vancouverites are spoiled with first-class eye candy: The Celebration of Light fireworks show. A three million dollar budget and three competitors: Spain, China and Canada. Four nights of amazing shows of fireworks accompanied by music; one for each country and one final with all three. Tonight's host: Spain. Approximately 300.000 people came to see the show, standing shoulder-to-shoulder all the way around False Creek.
Seth and I randomly discussed how awesome it would be if they used the Star Wars theme, and guess what they used as both intro and outro? All three of us were completely blown away - all 25 minutes of the show was a work of art. I thought I had seen the craziest fireworks ever in Phnom Penh i Cambodia, but I was definitely wrong. 300.000 people stood and stared as if they were hypnotized, taking in every loud boom, every song and every colorful explosion above all the boats in the water.
Check out the videos (and the photos) - the long Enya video and the Grand Finale are the best ones by far:
Star Wars intro (sorry about the shaking, Fallon's unsteady hands were holding the camera :O))
A short and a bit crappy video
Grand finale
This is the first time I'm using YouTube, so please let me know if there's any trouble with the videos. Enjoy.
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